Rep Story
Item #5008
(September, 1987) Dem and Rep are having a potato sack race with political overtones. Dem represents the Democrats, and on his base is their mascot, the donkey. His coin is the Franklin D. Roosevelt dime, in honor of the Democratic “New Deal” president. Rep is a republican, running for the Grand Old Party. The elephant, symbol of the GOP, is on his base. Rep’s coin is a penny depicting the most famous Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. The CAROL’s and the JINGLE’s like to stand on the sidelines and watch the race. Spud, who donated the potato sacks, will be at the finish line to declare a winner. In some homes Dem is in the lead, but in other homes it’s Rep who’s winning. Collectors may “fix” the race in their homes to endorse their favorite party.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark