Holy Family Story
Item #5280
(June, 1995) My statue of the Holy Family is in response to Collectors who requested a smaller version of the Creche. It reflects the Nativity story as recorded in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Family could find no shelter other than a cold, dreary stable, and the newborn baby has been laid to rest in the animals’ straw-filled manger. These are indeed humble beginnings for the King of Kings. The traditional colors have been used – blue for royalty, white for purity and red for suffering. Joseph’s face radiates happiness and pride for the child he will raise. Mary’s focus is on her son, and one can sense not only her motherly love but also her concern for the fate of her son: “But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) This is the first time I have sculpted Joseph, Mary and the Baby together as one statue. Like all new families, they have been blessed by the miracle of birth and the overwhelming love they feel for their child.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark