Firecrackers Story

Item #5327

(March, 1997) Fire Drill! Fire Drill! The warden grabbed his hard hat and jumped onto the fire engine, while the volunteer manned the ladder. Whether the emergency is a high-rise fire or the rescue of a kitten from a tree, the ladder has to work! The firecrackers on the base represent those individuals who are ready to “explode” with energy to “crack” any hazardous situation. The firefighter has a small shell to help him “sea,” as well as eyes in the back of his head. His German coin, worth two pfennig, indicates that he is from the Second Fire Brigade, and that this is the second fire engine piece from Cairn Studio (Elmo is a member of the First Fire Brigade). The coin on the base reads “no cash value,” and honors the priceless worth of the people who selflessly give of their time, their skill, their energy, and sometimes their lives, to help neighbors in need.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark

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