Butch, Wick and Biscuit Story

Item #1056

(July, 1984) These three fellows in a tub are pretending to be sailing the good ship, “rub-a-dub-dub” …”and who do you think they be? The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker, And all of them gone to sea.” Butch has a large fish hook and he provides the food for the threesome. Biscuit has a sand dollar, his version of a sea biscuit. Wick is the captain, and he has the anchor. There are two doves from the center of the sand dollar, to correspond with the sea bird depicted on the Irish coin. There are leaves on the base, because the threesome are daydreaming of a voyage and, in fact, they have never left home.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark

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