McNally Story
Item #6329
Collector Society Artwork Series
(October, 1995) It started as a whispering rustle among the topmost branches of the tulip poplars. Then the hummingbirds hummed a hint to the Gnomes, and the squirrels began chattering – Tom Clark and Tim Wolfe have moved! Where in the world is the new sculpturing studio? There was only one thing to do – unfold the map and start driving. McNally and his turtle transportation, an old friend named Rand, are on their way. As Rand’s license plate says, it’s good-bye to the old home place. McNally does not like to stop and ask for directions, but he’s sure he can navigate from the map as soon as he gets his bearings. The trip was delayed slightly as they stopped to pick up a hitchhiking snail. Bad luck, he was from out of town and this was all new territory to him also. I wouldn’t say that they’re lost, only that they are exploring most of the back roads of Mecklenburg and Iredell Counties in North Carolina. In hopes of making better time they brought along a coin from South Africa, showing a gazelle, and a commemorative medallion from the U.S. Olympic Track Team. There will be a happy ending when Tom and Tim look out of the window of the new studio and see Rand, McNally and map.
Dr. Thomas F. Clark